Compatible with every platform
Revenue growth thanks to video integration
Increase in conversion rate thanks to video
More time spent on your ecommerce site thanks to videos
"Our e-shop has become much more engaging since we integrated video.
The tool is fantastic and significantly more cost-effective than competitors. Highly recommend it !"
"Short videos capture visitors' attention superbly and show my products in a better light.
Thanks to PlayShorts, we've increased our sales by 15% !"
"We've been very happy to integrate PlayShorts on our Shopify. It improves the user experience and the price is very attractive."
"Very happy with this choice! Fast moving app, great features and responsive customer service."
"I now use Playshorts after having used a competing solution. Playshorts is more competitive and works great !"
"Good support and easy to use !"
"Playshorts is clearly the most interesting solution for improving the user experience on an e-commerce site."
Find the answers to your questions :
The integration of video shorts on your e-commerce site is done in 1 click ! No programming skills are required.
The integration of video shorts on your product pages will have no impact on the performance and speed of your e-commerce site because all of your videos will be stored on our servers.
We have designed our solution so that it is compatible with all existing e-commerce platforms.
Integrating short videos on your product sheets promotes engagement, conversion and improves understanding of your products.
When the number of views or impressions reaches its maximum, all videos will automatically disappear from your site. You can purchase view or impression credits or upgrade to a higher plan.
Our videos are automatically displayed on your e-commerce site as soon as a user visits a page where the videos are integrated. An impression corresponds to the number of times the videos are displayed on your read or unread video page.
A video project consists of broadcasting videos of your choice. This project can be presented on one or more product sheets, for example.